Communicate With
Power & Presence
Broaden Horizons, Validate Emotions
Are you ready to begin, and look within?
Happiness is a self-created internal phenomenon that only you have the ability to create. Once you discover your Personal Power and True Purpose in the world, you can leverage the Culture of One Tools and Resources to teach yourself how to navigate your thoughts and feelings, no matter what situation or context you are in.
Becoming a Culture of One starts by becoming aware of the experiences (in your life) that made you uniquely you — and by listening to what each of them teaches you about the person you have been, but more importantly, the person you are becoming. The tools and experiences I describe in this publication (and the lessons they teach) will define you as a Culture of One.
Becoming more aware of your personal context — your Culture of One — will not happen overnight. For all the quick-fixers looking for an easy solution, you can’t wish away old ways of thinking. First, you have to understand when (and why) you are feeling unhappy, emotionally triggered, or simply out of control, and then work to change non-productive thinking habits. Start here.